Friday, February 3, 2017

Candlemas, Groundhog Day, and Fortresses

   Many ideas come to me as I begin to describe the events of today. We started our day in our little chapel celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord traditionally called “Candlemas” in English Speaking countries. It is the last vestige of Christmas on the liturgical calendar as we are now solidly in Ordinary Time and getting ever closer to Lent. The schola helped us enter more deeply into the feast by sharing their second polyphonic piece of the trip—the Nunc Dimittis of Tomas Luis de Victoria (the Palestrina of Spain). They did a wonderful job, but the author may be biased.

   Another connection that comes to mind is the fact that back in the States people would turn their meteorological hopes to whether or not a large rodent in Pennsylvania would see its shadow. That’s right, Groundhog Day! Being away from home made me miss that little slice of Americana.

   We visited two sites today, the ancient Herodian fortress of Masada and the place where David hid from King Saul (1 Samuel 24). Masada is most famous for being the site of the bold standoff between the Romans and the Jewish Sicarii in the first Jewish Revolt in 73 A.D.. The epic story was told in the 1981 mini-series of the same name starring Peter O’Toole. *Spoiler Alert* It didn’t end well. The fortress with the still-intact Roman siege ramp was impressive.

   Ein Gedi was the highlight for much of the group. We were able to hike around a beautiful nature reserve and view some gorgeous waterfalls. It was easy to see why David chose to hide there with his troops. This site is literally an oasis secluded, with lots of fresh water, surrounded by wilderness. Also in the park were two unique mammal species: the Ibex and the Rock Hyrax. Oddly enough the Rock Hyrax looks just like the groundhog, so we came full circle today. Our final treats of the day were some dramatic views of the Dead Sea, shadowed-covered mountains, and a stunning sunset on our ride home. I conclude with the words of the Prophet Simeon form the Gospel of the Feat of the Presentation: “Lord, now you let your servant go in peace. Your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people, a light to reveal you to the gentiles and the glory of your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-33).


  1. The photo of the lake and the mountains behind it reminds me of Lake Mead in Nevada.
