Today, we travelled
to Mt. Carmel in the city of Haifa. It was within the darkness of a cave upon
this mountain that the Lord spoke to the prophet Elijah, not in the strong
wind, not in the earthquake, not in the fire, but in the still small voice. In fact,
we entered this very cave and touched the walls that were the setting for this
profound encounter. We then celebrated Mass in a small chapel there, meeting
the same Lord that spoke so quietly to Elijah.
Mass, we went to the city of Akko, where we explored an architecturally amazing
Crusader city, complete with dining hall, huge inner court, market and secret
passageways. Upon crossing through this complex and into the modern city of
Acre, we settled down to a delicious and picturesque meal at a restaurant right
along the Mediterranean.
third visit we paid today was the Tomb of the Just One, discovered by the
Sisters of Nazareth, whose Religious house rests right on top of it. This site,
all located underground, contained a Byzantine Church, a first century Nazareth
house, and a tomb from the first century as well. For me, that tomb was the
coolest and most powerful part of the site, since it gave me a clear of idea of
what our Lord’s tomb looked like. Looking in, I could imagine Jesus lying dead
in His tomb and I could picture the place that he saved me from death and sin.
Old Testament times, God spoke through prophets, judges, and kings, but now God
has spoken through His very Son, and we are in the place in which that Son
first spoke. We are where He learned to walk, where he was taught how to live
and love.
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